Showing 26 posts

Coronavirus Insights: US Luxury Is Well Positioned To Recover Post Crisis

As a discretionary retail sector, luxury was dealt a significant blow by the coronavirus crisis this year. We discuss how the market’s recovery could play out over the next two years, using proprietary consumer survey data. We also take learnings from the Chinese luxury market to provide indicators into future consumer behavior in the US.

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Coronavirus Insights: China’s Post-Crisis Retail Outlook—How Shanghai Stores Won Back Young Shoppers after Lockdown

The Coresight Research team recently observed the current retail environment in Shanghai to assess the return of shoppers to the brick-and-mortar format in the wake of the Covid-19 crisis in China. We visited the flagship stores of two retailers that are focused on attracting young consumers: Harmay, a beauty retailer; and The Beast Shop, a lifestyle brand.

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Coronavirus Insights: China Launches New “55 Shopping Festival” To Give Retail a Post-Lockdown Boost

To stimulate the economy and encourage consumers to release pent-up demand post Covid-19, the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government co-launched a new, large-scale shopping holiday with the retail industry at the beginning of May 2020. We discuss the scale and impact of the omnichannel 55 Shopping Festival, exploring how it is driving purchasing behavior in retail and tourism.

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The China Beauty Consumer, Pre- and Post Coronavirus

Although impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, initial indicators show that China’s economy is rebounding, and the beauty industry is poised for a speedy recovery. We discuss findings from our proprietary survey of beauty consumers in China—as well as recent data about the market—to examine the preferences and spending behaviors of this demographic prior to the coronavirus pandemic and learnings coming out of the crisis.

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East-to-West Learnings: How Chinese Grocery Retailers Have Enhanced Efficiency To Get Food to Consumers during the Coronavirus Crisis

During the coronavirus crisis, Chinese domestic retailers had to react quickly to the new reality of shopping in a nationwide lockdown. We discuss the actions taken by grocery retailers to enhance efficiency in response to a surge in demand, as well as the launch of other initiatives, such as creating product bundles and forming collaborations with other industry players. We consider how learnings from these examples could be applied to other markets.

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Coronavirus Insights: China Embraces Signs of Recovery

Since the coronavirus broke out in Wuhan in January, China has implemented unprecedented measures to control the spread of the virus. The nationwide lockdown looks to have been a success—we discuss signs that indicate the country is now on the road to recovery. We consider the implications for brands, as well as what the “new normal” might look like for China’s residents and businesses as the nation looks to move on from the coronavirus.

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East-to-West Learnings: How Grocery Retailers in China Have Addressed Labor Shortages During the Coronavirus Crisis

We look at the labor imbalance in China that has been caused by the coronavirus pandemic and how supermarket chains and grocery retailers are responding by launching co-employment initiatives with restaurant chains. We consider how retailers in the US could learn from China’s new employment models as the coronavirus situation worsens in the West.

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