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US Survey Update: A Last Look at Consumers’ Holiday Shopping Expectations (Full Report)

Our latest survey report provides a detailed update on US consumers’ behaviors, concerns and expectations, with a focus on the implications for retail. This week, as we move into the last couple of weeks of the 2020 holiday season, we analyze consumers’ holiday shopping expectations for the final time. We also present findings on shoppers’ current online spending habits and avoidance of public places, as well as what activities they expect to do in the next two weeks. Our consumer survey was undertaken on December 8.

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The 12 Weeks of Holidays: #11—Our Predictions for a Digital December in US Retail

We present our expectations for a digital December and analyze the implications for US retailers. We cover recent retail traffic trends, mobile commerce and digital selling tools, popular online product categories, and online-order fulfillment and last mile-delivery. This report is part of The 12 Weeks of Holidays series, in which we present key data, trends and observations as we count down to the peak holiday season.

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Retail Robustness Index: December 2020 Update—Shifting Consumer Demand Hits a Number of Top Retailers’ Scores

Coresight Research’s Retail Robustness Index evaluates the 100 largest US retailers (by revenue) on their ability to weather dramatic shifts in demand as the Covid-19 lockdowns began. The December update revises the scores based on financial reports and store-reopening announcements. Alongside the report, our infographic summarizes key changes since the previous Retail Robustness Index update in November.

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E-Commerce Platforms Make Multibillion-Dollar Investments in Logistics as Online Demand Surges

With the Covid-19 pandemic having significantly accelerated the growth of e-commerce, the global e-commerce logistics market is booming as platforms strive to meet consumer demands for delivery. We look at recent investments into logistics capabilities by select e-commerce platforms—including Amazon, Alibaba, Flipkart and—across six key areas, from facilities to autonomous delivery technologies and last-mile delivery.

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Six Ways Covid-19 Will Continue To Impact US Retailers and Consumers

Coronavirus vaccines are now in production, and there are indications that the US economy is on the road to recovery from the global pandemic. We analyze six ways in which pandemic-driven changes to the economy, retail and consumer behavior will affect the US retail industry moving forward. These include impacts related to unemployment rates and changed business operations—such as work-from-home practices and reduced travel—and the outlook for the service industry.

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US CPG Sales Tracker: CPG E-Commerce Climbs 66%, Driven by Strong Growth in Online Food Sales

The Coresight Research and IRI monthly US CPG Sales Tracker provides our data-driven insights into online sales trends in the US CPG industry—covering the product categories of food & beverage; health & beauty; and general merchandise & homecare. In this report, we present five key insights from the four weeks ended November 1, 2020.

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