Showing 39 posts

The 50+ Woman: What Does She Want from the Beauty Industry?

On March 7, 2023, Coresight Research presented insights from a proprietary survey on what women 50 and older want from the beauty industry. In this presentation, we discuss the opportunities for beauty and wellness brands with the 50+ woman, as well as what they want from beauty products and where they buy them

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Inclusivity in Retail: Trends from 2022, Opportunities for 2023

Inclusivity—providing equal access for people who might otherwise be excluded or marginalized—is a key trend in retail. We explore progress in 2022 and present our expectations for the development of inclusivity in retail in 2023, across areas such as adaptive, gender-free and extended-size offerings.

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Inclusive Beauty: Catering to Diverse Races and Ethnicities

As the population of the US grows increasingly diverse, there are opportunities for the beauty sector to serve underrepresented consumers from different races and ethnicities. We examine how brands and retailers are incorporating diversity into their strategic goals and the trends driving the race-inclusive movement in beauty.

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Inclusive Corporate Strategies in US Retail

Companies are focusing on their corporate strategies to improve diversity through internal teams, products and the supply chain. We explore inclusivity in corporate structures and policies, with examples of recent initiatives by brands and retailers operating in the US.

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