Event Presentation Premium

Using the Coresight Research 3x3x3 Framework To Navigate a “Chutes and Ladders” Economy: Insights Presented at Golden Seeds 2023 Annual Summit

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What's Inside

On May 3, 2023, Coresight Research presented at the Golden Seeds 2023 Annual Summit on how can retailers navigate a “chutes and ladders” economy.

Understand the current economic environment and retail context by reading our insights on leading indicators of US retail sales and learnings from past recessions. Learn how to leverage the Coresight Research 3x3x3 framework—which outlines three things for retailers to sell, three ways for retailers to sell them and three ways for retailers to deliver them—to drive success. We cover key topics including retail media, quick commerce, livestreaming, sustainability and the metaverse.

Companies mentioned in this presentation include: Gopuff, Instacart, Longaberger, NIKE, Ralph Lauren, Woolworths Group

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