Insight Report 13 minutes Premium

China Retail Insights: Countdown to China’s Singles’ Day 2024, Six Months To Go—What Brands and Retailers Need To Know

What's Inside

Singles’ Day, the largest online shopping festival in the world, is just six months away! We discuss what brands and retailers need to know to prepare for the upcoming festival in China, covering the country’s macroeconomic context and leveraging proprietary survey analysis to explore Chinese consumer sentiment.

Data in this report include:

  • Singles’ Day estimated GMV by e-commerce platform type, 2021–2023
  • Proprietary survey data on Chinese consumers expectations for China’s economy over the next 12 months
  • Year-over-year change in China’s GDP, 1Q19–1Q24
  • Year-over-year change in total China retail sales (ex. food services; incl. automobiles and gas), January 2023–March 2024

Companies mentioned in this report include:  Adidas, Alibaba (Taobao/Tmall), Douyin,, Kuaishou, Lululemon, NIKE, Pinduoduo

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