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US, UK, EU & China Quarterly Economic Update, 3Q22: Global Headwinds Give Rise to Economic Ambiguity

What's Inside

Our new Quarterly Economic Update discusses macroeconomic indicators from the US, the UK, China and the EU (European Union), breaking out data for France and Germany. We cover:

  • GDP
  • Consumer spending
  • Inflation

In this report, the first in the series, we look at the third quarter of 2022 (3Q22), using the latest data available as of November 21, 2022.

Data in this report include:

  • GDP in the US, the UK, France, Germany, the EU and China—quarter-over-quarter change
  • US seasonally adjusted personal consumption expenditures—quarter-over-quarter change
  • UK household final consumption expenditure—quarter-over-quarter change
  • Real final consumption expenditure in France and Germany—quarter-over-quarter change
  • US CPI annual rates (three-month averages)
  • UK CPIH annual rates (three-month averages)
  • Annual inflation rates (three-month averages) in the EU, France, Germany and China

Other relevant research:

November 2022 Monthly Consumer Update: US, UK and China

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