15 minutes

US Fashion Resale Market: E-Commerce and Luxury Capture Greater Share

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors:
Sunny Zheng, Analyst
Deep Dive

What's Inside

We analyze the growth trajectory of the US fashion resale market, presenting market factors, a competitive landscape, themes we are watching and industry players’ profitability.

Data in this report include:

  • US fashion resale market size and share of total fashion market, 2018–2026
  • US fashion resale market sales by distribution channel and year-over-year growth, 2018–2026
  • US fashion resale market e-commerce penetration and online sales year-over-year growth, 2018–2026
  • US consumers use of, and plans to buy, secondhand clothing, footwear and accessories, October 2022
  • Resale services used by resale fashion shopper in the past 12 months as of October 2022, by service provider

Companies mentioned in this report include: Goodwill Industries, Facebook Marketplace, Poshmark, The RealReal, StockX, ThredUP

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