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Three Data Points We’re Watching This Week: Tech Focus

What's Inside

Our Three Data Points We’re Watching This Week series spotlights key data points from this week’s research.

This week, we focus on retail technology. From self-checkout shrink rates to ML-based demand forecasting and the global RFID market, discover the key data points we are watching in week 18 of 2024.

Dive into the full research reports behind these data points:

  1. RetailTech: Frictionless Checkout—The Eye in the Sky Makes Shopping a Breeze
  2. Retail-Tech Landscape: Demand Forecasting
  3. RetailTech: RFID Is the Technology That Keeps on Giving to Retailers (and Associates and Consumers)
  • Visit the Coresight Research Retail Technology Hub to explore reports, data and competitive landscapes on technology.

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