Insight Report 6 minutes Premium

Singles’ Day Preview: What’s New for Double 11 2019?

What's Inside

The 11.11 Global Shopping Festival (also widely referred to as Singles’ Day or Double 11) is coming soon. Held annually on November 11, the once small Alibaba-invented shopping holiday has ballooned quickly to become the world’s largest shopping festival. With the 24-hour shopping extravaganza just few weeks away, Chinese e-commerce giants are already actively promoting and preparing for the event. We look at what’s new this year.

  • E-commerce giants are eyeing lower-tier cities as the biggest growth opportunity, leveraging group buying platforms and launching consumer-to-manufacturer products.
  • Livestreaming is becoming a must-have marketing toolto engage with customers and promote products.
  • While discounts are a hallmark of Singles’ Day, this year merchants are focusing more on enhancing the overall customer shopping experience.

Click here to read more Coresight coverage of Singles’ Day for 2019 and prior years.

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