4Q22 US Livestreaming Tracker: Promotions and Informative Content Attract Shoppers Ahead of the Festival Season

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors:
Bao Arakov, Analyst
Bao Guo
Deep Dive

What's Inside

Coresight Research’s Livestreaming Tracker is a new, quarterly series that provides updates on trends in the live-video e-commerce space. We analyze findings from our quarterly US and China consumer surveys on the role of livestreaming in the shopping journey.

In this report—the first in the series—we present data from our US survey undertaken on September 20, 2022, which asked consumers about their engagement with “shoppable livestreams” (live, online videos focused on promoting and selling products) in the past three months.

We discuss livestreaming platforms, spending across various product categories, desirable attributes of livestreaming hosts, and more.

  • Look out for the first report in our upcoming China Livestreaming Tracker
  • Click here to read more Coresight Research coverage of livestreaming e-commerce.
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