Coresight Research x Blue Yonder Retail Insights: US Retailers Prioritize Local Sourcing While Consumers Demand Faster Delivery

Coresight Research and Blue Yonder conducted two surveys in early January 2021 to understand US retailers’ strategies around local sourcing and the impact of Covid-19 on US consumers’ shopping behaviors. We discuss our findings in this report, including insights into the degree to which retailers’ perceptions and strategic priorities are aligning with consumer expectations in the current environment.

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Coresight Research x Blue Yonder: Supporting the Customer Journey—Learn from Covid-19 To Build a Resilient Retail Supply Chain

On January 26, 2021, Coresight Research and Blue Yonder hosted a virtual mini conference, “Supporting the Customer Journey: Localization for Speed to Market and Flexibility,” which brought together leaders from top retailers and organizations to explore fast-changing consumer demand and shifting market conditions. This free report provides eight key insights from the mini conference, covering nearshoring strategies, inventory management, sustainability, last-mile delivery and more.

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Coresight Research x Blue Yonder: Supporting the Customer Journey—Presentation

On January 26, 2021, Coresight Research and Blue Yonder hosted a virtual mini conference, “Supporting the Customer Journey: Localization for Speed to Market and Flexibility.” In this presentation, we present key findings from Coresight Research and Blue Yonder’s January 2021 survey of retailers and consumers, covering the impact of Covid-19 on consumers’ purchase behaviors and retailers’ strategies on nearshoring and sustainability.

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The High-Tech High End: Solutions Elevating Supply Chain and Operations in Luxury Retailing

Building on our Market Navigator on global luxury retailing, we explore transformative technologies shaping the supply chain and other operations. From AI (artificial intelligence) to blockchain to RFID (radio-frequency identification), explore the benefits of innovative solutions for product authentication, loss prevention, inventory management and more.

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Research Preview: Market Navigator—Global Luxury

We offer an early look at our forthcoming Market Navigator exploring the global luxury market. Gain insights into emerging ideas and opportunities in the market, understand the growth trajectory of brands’ and retailers’ revenues, and explore the competitive landscape.

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Retail-Tech Landscape: Demand Forecasting

The need for demand for advanced demand-forecasting tools has evolved with the digitalization, increasing complexity and heightened competition of the retail landscape today. Catch up on demand-forecasting trends for retail and discover key technology solution providers in this field.

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