Insight Report 4 minutes Premium

New Retail Briefing #7: Brings Fresh Produce to Customers; Fliggy Allows Tourists to Buy Before They Fly; Shiseido and Alibaba Sign Joint Business Plan

Executive Summary

“New Retail” is a model for integrating online retail, offline retail and logistics across a single value chain powered by data and technology. In this biweekly series, we cover important developments in New Retail in China and beyond. Here’s what’s happening:

  • Alibaba’s food-delivery platform will help vendors in traditional “wet markets” to sell fresh produce to online shoppers.
  • Alibaba’s online travel platform Fliggy has launched a Fliggy Buy function that allows Chinese tourists to pre-order products before they travel.
  • Shiseido has signed a joint business plan with Alibaba to collaborate on product development, marketing and e-commerce.
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