Showing 180 posts

AI in Sourcing: The Need of the Hour?

With sourcing procedures and practices facing increasing scrutiny, retail players are increasingly looking to artificial intelligence (AI) programs improve operational efficiency. We discuss five key applications of AI across sourcing stages, the challenges they address and innovators offering AI-based solutions.

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Retail-Tech Landscape: Returns Management

While handling returns efficiently is one of retail’s costliest and most cumbersome tasks, technology innovations can help to overcome this operational challenge. We present selected startups globally offering innovative solutions for brands and retailers in returns management.

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Video: Market Outlook—Global Luxury

Coresight Research senior analyst Swarooprani Muralidhar talks about our new research on the global luxury goods market. In this short video, we cover the luxury market’s trajectory, the impact of recent major macro factors, digitalization and the growing importance of China’s luxury consumers.

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Are NFTs a Game Changer in Retail Supply Chains?

Although the metaverse is expanding exponentially, with non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and blockchain technology making further inroads into retail, the application NFT technology within retail supply chains is still nascent. We discuss how NFTs can improve supply chain traceability, enhance authentication and boost security.

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Sustainability in Luxury: How Can Companies Meet Consumer Demand?

Sustainability has been front-and-center in companies’ strategies in recent years, with the pandemic underscoring its importance for consumers and businesses alike. We explore how luxury companies can best position themselves to meet consumer demand for increased environmental accountability, through the lens of our proprietary EnCORE framework.

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Luxury Brands: To DTC or Not To DTC?

Luxury brands have been gravitating toward the direct-to-consumer (DTC) model for years, and the pandemic has boosted this shift, putting the wholesale model in a fix. In this report, we discuss the DTC model in luxury retail.

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