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Five Key Insights into the Custom Apparel Market

We see apparel customization as a key way for brands and retailers to differentiate themselves as the apparel industry bounces back from the slump in demand in 2020. In this report, we discuss five key insights into the global custom apparel market, covering clothing and footwear in customizable colors, sizes, and styles.

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Think Tank: Textile Innovations in the Apparel and Footwear Market

In this Think Tank, we explore two key areas of textile innovation that are gaining traction in the global apparel and footwear market: performance and sustainability. We present market analysis and discuss heightened consumer focus on wellness and sustainability as key market drivers. This report provides an overview of selected textiles and considers three notable innovators—namely, Celliant, Evrnu and OROS. We also present key themes that we are watching in the textile innovation space, including partnerships and fashion upcycling.

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Playbook: Alternative Models in Retail

The new Coresight Research Playbook series provides recommendations for brands, retailers and marketplaces seeking to tap growth segments and emerging trends. In this Playbook, we present six key strategies for retail players to capitalize on gradually maturing alternative models in retail: collaboration, DTC (direct to consumer), rental, resale and subscription. We discuss examples of the strategies and models across multiple categories, with a focus on the US market.

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Market Outlook: Apparel and Footwear in the US, the UK and China—Prospects for 2021 and Beyond

In this Market Outlook, we discuss the recovery of the apparel and footwear market in a pandemic-impacted retail environment, with a focus on the US, the UK and China. We provide our market sizing estimates for 2021 and beyond, and we consider the primary trends that will drive demand. This report also explores e-commerce penetration, the competitive landscape, US retail innovators and key themes—including a shift to DTC, the importance of sustainability and the rise of athleisure.

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