How Covid-19 Is Highlighting the Opportunity for Autonomous Monitoring of On-Shelf AvailabilityApril 30, 2020Register for free access Login/Register to view the video.In the fall of 2019 Coresight conducted a major piece of research – How computer vision can save retailers from costly in-store execution issues The research found on-shelf availability is a major issue impacting Grocery. However 78% of respondents plan to address the issue by digitizing the measurement of shelf availability to reduce out of stocks, save costs and delight shoppers. At the start of 2020 Covid-19 has given retailers their biggest ever on-shelf availability crisis and this research now feels particularly very timely and relevant. So imagine a world in which a retailer: Understood in real-time the out of stocks on shelf for every sku across the store Knew when the product became out of stock on the shelf and the duration of time not on shelf Provided real-time alerts to store staff to fix gaps on shelf and address price, promotion and planogram compliance Provided real-time availability updates to shoppers when ordering on-line Trax, a leader player in retail digitisation for the last the 10 years, works with major Grocery Retailers in the Americas and Europe to deliver these benefits, via computer vision and their suite of autonomous on-shelf monitoring solutions, including robots and shelf cameras. David Gottlieb (Trax, MD Americas) and Deborah Weingsiwing will discuss this exciting topic and the implications for retail at this critical time.Please Log In to view the video. Not a member? Register for a free user account.