12 minutes

Winning the Retail Trifecta: Demand Forecasting, Allocation and Replenishment

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors:
John Harmon, CFA, Managing Director of Technology Research
Mike Jordan
Tej Kamaraju, Analyst
Deep Dive

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What's Inside

US retailers face challenges in replenishment and demand forecasting, impacted by current consumer behaviors and concerns. In this Custom Report, we analyze those challenges and explore how retailers can best handle inventory management in a volatile global environment.

We also present the benefits of modern supply chain platforms for retailers, which use AI (artificial intelligence) and ML (machine learning).

This free report is sponsored by SAP, an enterprise application software provider. This report includes discussion of SAP’s industry cloud solutions for predictive planning and inventory orchestration.

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