13 minutes

Weinswig’s Weekly — August 23, 2019

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors:
John Harmon, CFA, Managing Director of Technology Research
John Mercer, Head of Global Research and Managing Director of Data-Driven Research
Swarooprani Muralidhar, Director of Research
Analyst Corner

Executive Summary

  • This week’s note “From the Desk of Deborah Weinswig” looks at China’s many shopping holidays – and how Western companies can tap into the opportunity.
  • Kroger and Walgreens are broadening their partnership, launching Walgreens health and beauty brands in Kroger and the Kroger Express grocery and Kroger Pickup service to 35 Walgreens drugstores.
  • German fashion pure play Zalando will fulfill orders placed on adidas.fr, in a trial partnership with Adidas. This is the first time Zalando has allowed brands to use its logistics operation outside of the Zalando shop.
  • Uniqlo opened its first “roadside” store in the Philippines, a new model that engages with local communities by stepping out of its mall-only store format. The new store is in a residential area with offices and schools.

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