14 minutes

Weinswig’s Weekly April 06, 2018

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Analyst Corner

Executive Summary

April6, 2018

  • This week’s note “From the Desk of Deborah Weinswig” discusses how brick-and-mortar stores are set to lead the battle for millennial, multichannel grocery shoppers.
  • Walmart and insurer Humana are reportedly discussing how to strengthen their ties in ways that would drive more traffic to Walmart’s 4,700 US stores while increasing Humana’s enrollment.
  • French retailer Groupe Casino announced a strategic purchasing partnership with Auchan. The new deal enables Casino and Auchan to jointly negotiate purchases from French and international food and nonfood suppliers.
  • As it steps up efforts to expand in China’s fast-growing market for local delivery of food and other services, Alibaba Group is buying full control of startup Ele.me at an enterprise valuation of $9.5 billion.

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