2 minutes

Walmart Launches Third-Party Vendor Fulfillment Services on Its Marketplace

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors:
John Harmon, CFA, Managing Director of Technology Research
Sunny Zheng, Analyst
Flash Report

What's Inside

Walmart’s new third-party vendor service (WFS) looks a lot like Amazon’s ecosystemWhen a customer places an order on Walmart.com, WFS picks, packs and ships to the customer on the third-party seller’s behalf. WFS also handles customer support and returns. 

This report looks at Walmart’s new program and what it means for the business: 

  • The company has said it needs to scale its online business to make it profitable: Supporting third-party vendors helps it do that. 
  • Walmart’s new offering also helps it compete more effectively with Amazon. 
  • Walmart’s third-party offering may not be as robust as Amazon’s, but it is supported by a fleet of brick and mortar locations across the country that Amazon lacks. 

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