6 minutes

US Retailers Ready to Cater to Chinese New Year Shoppers with Mobile Payments

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Insight Report

Executive Summary

Many Chinese tourists are currently preparing to travel overseas during the Lunar New Year celebration, which begins on February 16 and runs through March 2 this year.  In the US, hundreds of thousands of retailers and service providers are ready to cater to these tourists by offering them the mobile-wallet payment options they prefer, such as Alipay.

  • Almost two-thirds of Chinese travelers say that the option to pay by mobile is an important factor in choosing a retailer when shopping overseas.
  • Alipay has been building out partnerships across retail, hospitality, leisure experiences and transportation in the US and is now accepted at more than 170,000 locations in North America. This Lunar New Year, Chinese travelers visiting the US can pay for hotels, apartment rentals, taxis, restaurant meals and retail purchases with Alipay.
  • Many retailers and service providers are able to accept Alipay through point-of-sale and payment-processing intermediaries such as Adyen, First Data, Poynt, Verifone and Worldpay. Others have worked directly with Alipay to implement mobile wallet payments.
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