US Livestreaming E-Commerce Survey 2022: Demand for Entertainment Drives Viewership

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors: Bao Arakov, Analyst
Deep Dive

What's Inside

We present insights into the current state of the livestreaming market in the US. We analyze findings from our latest livestreaming survey, in which we asked US consumers about the role of livestreaming in their shopping journey, covering the market’s size, conversion rate and different formats.

Coresight Research has identified livestreaming e-commerce as one of the key trends to watch in retail. Our coverage presents insights into the growth of the market—with a focus on the US and China—as well as recommendations and best practices for brands and retailers to develop winning livestreaming e-commerce strategies.

Click here to read more Coresight Research coverage of livestreaming e-commerce.

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