Market Outlook 18 minutes Premium

Sector Overview: Consumer Packaged Goods — Demand Is Strong, but Companies Must Be Agile to Meet Consumers’ Needs

Executive Summary

Each of our Sector Overview reports provides an essential briefing on a sector or market. In this report, we review the global consumer packaged goods (CPG) market.

  • Emerging markets, especially China, are key growth avenues for CPG companies. Oxford Economics predicts that China’s urban economic power will surpass North America’s by 2030.
  • As shoppers become increasingly focused on digital channels and more mindful about health and wellness, CPG companies need to be agile in order to respond to their needs.
  • Multinational companies, private labels and emerging local players are all fighting for share of the CPG market.
  • Economic and political uncertainties abound as we begin 2019, but secular growth will continue to underpin demand for CPG products.
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