What's Inside
Israel’s retail-tech ecosystem comprises innovative companies offering solutions for wide-ranging applications, from supply chain logistics to the in-store consumer experience.
This Retail-Tech Landscape presents 150 startups in Israel that provide technologies through the retail value chain, curated by Coresight Research and the Retail Innovation Club.
The landscape covers the following categories:
- Business intelligence—analytics
- Logistics
- In-store technology
- Online shopping
Other relevant research:
- This landscape is an update from our previous publications in April 2020, June 2021, October 2022 and December 2023.
- More Coresight Research Retail-Tech Landscapes spotlighting innovators that are disrupting the retail industry
- Visit the Coresight Research Retail Technology Hub to explore reports, data and competitive landscapes on technology.
This report is available for free and can be accessed by registering for a free account.
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