Market Outlook 20 minutes Premium

Market Outlook: India E-Commerce—Heading Toward $200 Billion

What's Inside

In this Market Outlook, we explore e-commerce in India and present our expectations for future growth, as well as key market drivers. We discuss the market’s competitive landscape, investment activity, retail innovators and themes we are watching—covering omnichannel experiences, voice search functionality, social commerce and advanced technologies.

Interested in India retail? Read our recent reports on 10 key trends in the sector, e-commerce innovators and the startup ecosystem.

Cut out and keep our 2022 calendar on the key festivals and holidays for promotional campaigns in India.

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Contents (Click to navigate)

What’s the Story?

Market Performance and Outlook

Online Market Drivers

Competitive Landscape

E-Commerce Innovators

Themes We Are Watching

What We Think

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