8 minutes

Entrepreneur Roundtable Accelerator Demo Day: Half the Solutions Dedicated to Healthcare and Wellness

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Event Coverage

Executive Summary

The Coresight Research team attended the Entrepreneurs Roundtable Accelerator (ERA) Winter 2018 Demo Day on Thursday, April 26 in New York City. Ten startups presented solutions in areas spanning healthcare and wellness, human resources, hospitality, financial services and insurance.

  • Ten startups participated in ERA’s four-month accelerator program in New York City. As part of the accelerator program, each startup received an initial investment of $100,000.
  • ERA participants gave a five-minute presentation to investors and industry analysts.
  • Half of the solutions and platforms were devoted to healthcare and wellness. Other industries of focus included: human resources, hospitality, financial services and insurance. There was even one new brand product – a deodorant targeted at millennials.

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