Insight Report 8 minutes Premium

Digitally Native Vertical Brands in the US Food, Beverage and Food Supplement Market: Outperforming in E-Commerce

What's Inside

Digitally native vertical brands (DNVBs) are a small but growing presence in the US food, beverage and food supplement markets. We discuss sector sales and explore the competitive landscape, identifying three key trends that are driving sector growth.

Read our separate reports for more on DNVBs, with a focus on the US apparel and footwear market and the US beauty market

Contents (Click to navigate)


What’s the Story?

Why It Matters

DNVBs in the US Food, Beverage and Food Supplement Market: Coresight Research Analysis

Total Sales by DNVBs in the US Food, Beverage and Food Supplement Market

Competitive Landscape

Key Trends

What We Think

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