Showing 36 posts

Market Outlook: US Retail REITs—Recovery Under Pressure

In this Market Outlook, we explore the recovery of the US retail REITs (real estate investment trusts) sector in a coronavirus-impacted retail environment. We analyze data on the sector’s size and competitive landscape and consider the impact of store closures on retail REITs. This report also discusses a number of key themes in the market—including rent collection, store closures and tenant-landlord relationships.

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2Q20 US Earnings Season Wrap-Up: Reviewing the Covid-19 Recovery

Second-quarter 2020 retail earnings include recovery from the Covid-19 crisis. We assess the recent performance of US retailers in terms of revenues, earnings per share and comps, considering consensus estimates and year-over-year changes. Although the pace of recovery varies between retail sectors, many retailers initially saw strong sales in reopened stores, driven by pent-up demand. Furthermore, the coronavirus-led pivot to e-commerce led to unprecedented growth in digital sales.

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US Mall Closures: Impact of Covid-19 Likely To Accelerate Mall Consolidation

Considering the impact of Covid-19 on mall consolidation, we present our estimates for mall closures in the next five years. We explore how department store and other anchor store closures are exacerbating the challenges faced by mall owners and the influence of tenant mix on near-term vulnerability—as well as opportunities for malls to adapt and survive, such as through repurposing space into fulfillment centers and tapping health-care and grocery retail.

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US Store Closures: Department Store Closures Exacerbate Challenges Faced by Mall Owners

Store closures are continuing to mount across various discretionary sectors in the US retail industry—with the rise in department store closures and bankruptcies a particular cause for concern for mall owners. We provide an overview of announced department store closures and bankruptcy filings and discuss the implications for mall owners and the retail industry as a whole.

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1Q20 US Earnings Season Wrap-Up: Reviewing the Covid-19 Impact

First-quarter 2020 retail earnings include the negative impact on sales caused by the coronavirus outbreak. We assess the recent performance of US retailers in terms of revenues, earnings per share and comps, considering consensus estimates and year-over-year changes. With retail sectors weathering the Covid-19 crisis in different ways, sales declines are now easing due to stores reopening post lockdown, but the pace of recovery will vary.

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4Q19 US Earnings Season Wrap-Up

Fourth-quarter 2019 retail earnings show that many companies across the retail industry saw strong growth. However, our coverage of the Coresight 100 reveals that the CPG and department-store sectors bucked this trend, with the latter continuing to struggle. Companies across the board have updated their guidance due to coronavirus disruption in the supply chain and demand in Asia, but we are yet to see updates based on the spread of the virus to the US, with the nation moving closer to lockdown.

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3Q19 US Earnings Season Wrap-Up

Third-quarter 2019 retail earnings show mixed results across categories. Our coverage of the Coresight 100 reveal most companies beat consensus, but there were sectors that fared much better than others—and luxury was one that did not meet expectations despite recent recovery.

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