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Who Shops Where for Beauty and Grooming: US Shopper Demographics

Executive Summary

Using data from Coresight Research consumer surveys, our Who Shops Where reports profile US shoppers at major retailers in selected categories. In this report, we look at the demographics of beauty, grooming and personal care shoppers.

  • By age and income, Amazon, the major drugstores and Walmart attract shoppers that are close to the average.
  • By age, Sephora is an outlier: It attracts a shopper that is, on average, significantly younger than even Ulta, a major rival.
  • Shopping for beauty, grooming and personal care products at Amazon and Target tends to increase with income.
  • Male shoppers overindex slightly at Amazon and female shoppers overindex at Target.

You may also be interested in our Who Shops Where reports on Groceries and Apparel.


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