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Data and AI in Retail Media—Collaboration and Data Cleansing Illuminate the Way Forward

Data and AI in Retail Media—Collaboration and Data Cleansing Illuminate the Way Forward

What's Inside

In the US, retail media is taking center stage for many brands and retailers due to its lucrative margin opportunities; however, retail media also presents numerous challenges to retailers and brands alike, especially around data use, implementation and collaboration. We explore how AI (artificial intelligence) can help brands, ad buyers and retailers solve these problems, as well as the benefits traditional AI can bring to the retail media market as a whole and potential applications for generative AI (GenAI).

Data in this research report include:

  • US retail media market size and year-over-year growth rates, 2023–2028E
  • Proprietary survey data on the challenges CPG (consumer packaged goods) and FMCG (fast-moving consumer goods) brand manufacturers in the US face when working with retail media networks (RMNs)

Companies mentioned in this report include: Carrefour SA, Colgate-Palmolive Company, Criteo, Databricks, Mastercard, The Save Mart Companies, Trade Desk

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