Insight Report 2 minutes Premium

Westfield (WFD.AU) Full-Year 2015 Results: First Full Year in Line with Guidance, Solid Outlook

Executive Summary

  • Westfield Corp. announced 2015 funds from operations (FFO) of US$783 million, or US$0.377 per security, in line with guidance. Westfield was created on June 30, 2014, and reported 2H14 FFO of US$391 million, or US$0.123 per security.
  • IFRS net profit was US$2.3 billion, compared to AIFRS net profit of US$582 million during 2H14.
  • For 2016, the company expects FFO of US$0.342–US$0.345 per security, representing pro forma growth of 3%–4%.


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