8 minutes

Walmart To Expand Its Health Footprint, Plans To Nearly Double Its Healthcare Centers by 2025

Primary Analyst:
Aditya Kaushik, Analyst
Primary Analyst:
Aditya Kaushik, Analyst
Sector Lead: Swarooprani Muralidhar, Director of Research
Insight Report

What's Inside

Walmart Health plans to expand into two more US states and open 28 new Walmart Health centers in 2024, bringing its US total to over 75 centers. We explore dive into where the company will expand, what the new centers will offer and what other retailers are doing in the healthcare segment.

Data in this report include:

  • Projected US healthcare expenditure, including out-of-pocket specifics, for 2022 and 2026
  • Size specifications for the new Walmart Health centers
  • Details on various retailer acquisitions in the healthcare space, including acquisitions by Amazon, CVS Health and Walgreens

Companies mentioned in this report include: Amazon, Best Buy, CVS Health, Walgreens and Walmart

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