Deep Dive 26 minutesFree ReportRetailTech: Loss Prevention—Understanding the Big Picture To Prevent, Mitigate and Recover “Shrink”ing Profits Download the free full report. John Harmon, CFA, Managing Director of Technology Research September 26, 2024 What's InsideRetailers globally are grappling with the heightened incidence of shoplifting, including events involving organized retail crime (ORC), and their actions to combat theft have meaningful consequences for customer sentiment. In this research report, we explore established and emerging technologies that retailers can leverage to reduce and prevent shrink from external sources, as well as critical loss-prevention measures before, during and after a theft incident. Dive into the applications and benefits of technologies such as item tags and computer vision, which can help identify, discourage and mitigate the impact of incidents, in addition to enormous benefits from improving inventory accuracy. Plus, discover the central role of AI (artificial intelligence)-powered computer vision in loss prevention and operational efficiency. Protect your profits today. Gain essential insights to help your business implement a comprehensive loss-prevention strategy that ensures a positive customer experience while safeguarding assets. This report is made available to non-subscribers of Coresight Research through its sponsorship by Diebold Nixdorf. Data in this research report include: US retail shrink, in total and as a proportion of total sales Quarterly earnings analysis—references to shrink by selected US- and UK-based retailers Proprietary survey analysis of US consumers’ perceptions of and responses to shoplifting and theft-prevention measures Companies mentioned in this report include: Aldi, Impinj, Rite Aid, NCR Voyix, Sensormatic, Target, Walgreens, Zebra Technologies, Other relevant research: This analysis refines and expands our previous research on loss-prevention technologies, published in June 2023 and October 2020. Keep up to date with developments in retail shrink and ORC with our monthly report series. RetailTech: RFID Is the Technology That Keeps on Giving to Retailers (and Associates and Consumers) Visit the Coresight Research Retail Technology Hub to explore reports, data and competitive landscapes on technology. Non-subscribers can access the report by completing the form on this page. The report will arrive in your inbox upon completion of the form. You are unauthorized to view this page. Login This document was generated for