Insight Report 8 minutes Premium

RetailTech: Electronic Shelf Labels—The Shelf Is Where the Retail Action Is At

What's Inside

As part of our RetailTech series, we discuss electronic shelf labels (ESLs), hardware that sits on the store shelf and provides automatic price updates. Their on-shelf location within the store is key, since ESLs are uniquely able to interact with both consumers and inventory.

In this report, we discuss the functions and components of ESLs and the benefits that they offer to retailers and consumers. We outline recent developments in the global market and leading vendors of the technology.

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Contents (Click to navigate)

What’s the Story?

Why It Matters

Electronic Shelf Labels: In Detail

Function and Components of ESLs

Benefits of ESLs

The ESL Market

What We Think

Implications for Brands/Retailers

Implications for Technology Vendors

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