Playbook: Livestreaming E-Commerce in the US

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors:
Bao Guo
Deep Dive

What's Inside

The Coresight Research Playbook series provides recommendations for brands, retailers and marketplaces seeking to tap growth segments and emerging trends.

Coresight Research has identified livestreaming e-commerce as one of the key trends to watch in 2021. In this Playbook, we present five best practices for US brands and retailers to develop winning livestreaming e-commerce strategies, covering the following:

  • The US livestreaming e-commerce ecosystem
  • Expanding consumer reach
  • Providing a seamless shopping experience, including in-video checkout
  • Strengthening viewer engagement
  • Driving sales conversion
  • Engaging with consumers through entertainment, including AI and AR

Click here to read the previous report in the Playbook series, which presents five key strategies for US retailers to capitalize on pandemic-led shifts in consumer spending and living habits.

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