6 minutes

More Retailers are Investing in Physical Stores

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Insight Report

Executive Summary

This report discusses six prominent retailers’ investments in physical stores and the reasons why investments in stores are on the rise.

  • Tiffany and Co. will renovate its flagship store on Fifth Avenue, New York City. The three-year project will start in February 2019 and is scheduled for completion in late 2021.
  • Walmart will revamp 500 of its stores and open 20 new ones as part of an $11 billion investment plan.
  • Target is investing $1 billion-plus toward remodeling approximately 325 stores across the US.
  • Publix Supermarkets is investing $1.5 billion to revamp existing stores, open new stores, upgrade technology and acquire shopping centers in 2018.
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