Company Earnings Update 3 minutesRegister for Free AccessMARKS & SPENCER FIRST HALF DASHES HOPES OF RECOVERY IN APPAREL Coresight Research November 4, 2015 Executive Summary Group sales were up 1.4% at constant exchange rates, or 1.0% in British pounds. UK general merchandise sales were down 0.4%, with comps down 1.2%. UK food revenues were up 3.3%, with comps up 0.2%. Gross margin on general merchandise climbed 285 basis points, due to sourcing gains and less discounting. Underlying operating profit was up 3.8% and underlying profit before tax was up 6.1%. Basic earnings per share were up 4.9%, to 14.1p. Please Login to read the full report. Not a member? Register for a free user account. This document was generated for Other research you may be interested in: 2Q24 US Retail Inventory Insights: Stable Inventory Ratio Ahead of the Holiday SeasonThe New Coresight 100: Leading the Retail Charge in 2025—InfographicWeinswig’s Weekly: New-Year ThoughtsWeak Demand Hampers 6.18 Shopping Festival: China Consumer Tracker