13 minutes

Luxury in the Metaverse: Recent Developments and Future Potential

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors:
Swarooprani Muralidhar, Director of Research
Deep Dive

What's Inside

We believe that the metaverse is set for tremendous growth and that luxury’s role will grow increasingly prominent. We present examples of recent developments in the space by luxury brands including Alexander McQueen, Balenciaga and Gucci.

We also explore the future potential of the luxury metaverse, including notable technology innovators and the advantages and challenges of building a virtual presence.

Contents (Click to navigate)


Luxury in the Metaverse: Coresight Research Analysis

Luxury’s Early Involvement in the Metaverse and Recent Developments

The Next Step: Offering a Mix of Virtual and Physical Products

Considerations for Luxury Brands and Retailers in Entering the Metaverse

What We Think

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