6 minutes

L Brands Investor Day, 2019: Revenue Growth Driven by Bath & Body Works; Product Innovation at Victoria’s Secret is #1 Priority

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors:
Erin Schmidt, Senior Analyst
Event Coverage

Executive Summary

On September 10, 2019, L Brands hosted its Investor Day in Columbus, Ohio. The company provided an overview of its three brands: Victoria’s Secret, PINK and Bath & Body Works. Highlights include:

  • Revenue at L Brands has been driven by growth at BBW.
  • L Brands is targeting PINK at 19-year-old college student-like consumers, a demographic that totals 30 million.
  • PINK brand hopes to grow its “Seamless” workout business to $1 billion by 2022.
  • BBW sees growth opportunity in aromatherapy and men’s business.
  • L Brands is testing smaller format stores internationally called Victoria’s Secret Beauty and Lingerie.

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