Deep Dive 11 minutes PremiumDeep Dive: Retail Spending Review—Breaking Down Retail Sales in the US, the UK, Germany and China Coresight Research May 19, 2017 Executive Summary Of these countries, the US sees clothing and footwear capture the smallest share of retail sales. The category accounted for only 10.9% of US retail sales in 2016, which was down from 11.7% in 2012. Apparel enjoyed a strong run in the UK for several years, growing its share of retail sales until 2016, when the category entered a relative decline. The share of retail spending captured by food and beverages has fallen significantly in the US and the UK in recent years. These US and UK trends show that consumer shifts in spending away from nondiscretionary and semidiscretionary categories in favor of discretionary categories are not unique to developing economies such as China. Similarly, soft demand for retail categories such as apparel in the US and the UK is not simply about consumers switching to spending on leisure services, as relative declines are observable even when these categories are measured only against other retail categories. Already a subscriber? Log in You are currently viewing a preview of this report. Please select an access option to view the full report. Hide Options - Show Options + Get unlimited access to all our research with one of our subscription plans. View Subscription Plans or Contact us to purchase this report. Contact us ✕ This document was generated for Other research you may be interested in: Weekly US and UK Store Openings and Closures Tracker 2023, Week 18: US Store Openings Cross 4,000Analyst Corner—Our 2024 Amazon Apparel US Consumer Survey, with Anand Kumar: Insights From Our Seventh Annual SurveyUS Consumer Tracker: Amazon Records January SlowdownNovember 2023 China Retail Sales: Growth Continues To Strengthen