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Coresight Research Countdown to 11.11 Series, #11: National Day Golden Week Promotion on Tmall; Smart Store Taobao x Hoi! Opens in Taipei,Taiwan

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Insight Report

Executive Summary

Alibaba’s 11.11 Global Shopping Festival, also known as Double 11 or Singles’ Day, takes place on November 11 every year and it has now become the world’s biggest 24-hour online sale. This report series covers the various shopping festivals and developments in New Retail that are taking place in the lead up to this event.

  • Alibaba’s currently running shopping event is the National Day Golden Week Promotion, which is being held September 28–October 7 on Alibaba’s Tmall.
  • The event promotes home appliances, furniture and musical instruments, among other products,and participating brands include Dyson, Haier, Hisense, Panasonic, and Philips.
  • Alibaba’s Taobao and Test-Rite International—a Taiwan-based household products retailer—collaborated to open a smart store, dubbed Taobao x Hoi!, in Taipei, Taiwan.
  • Taobao x Hoi! has several New Retail features, including digital display of furniture products, in which customers can view 3D models of the products in a virtual home setting. Customers can also scan brochures of selected products in the RFID reading area and read details of the products, including the manufacturing process.
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