China Livestreaming E-Commerce Survey 2022: Value and Brand Trust Are Key in Live-Video Shopping

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors:
Bao Arakov, Analyst
Deep Dive

What's Inside

We present insights into the current state of the livestreaming market in China, based on findings from a proprietary consumer survey.

Our analysis covers the following key topics:

  • Use of livestream shopping—including a comparison of China versus the US
  • Livestream shopping habits—popular platforms, categories and formats
  • Purchasing process—consumer spending behaviors, reasons for buying and cart abandonment
  • The power of influencers/celebrities

Coresight Research has identified livestreaming e-commerce as one of the key trends to watch in retail. Click here to read more Coresight Research coverage of livestreaming e-commerce.

Click here to read our free infographic featuring select survey findings.

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