7 minutes

Brand Mashups: Limited-Edition Products a Lever To Support Consumer Demand in Tough Times

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors:
Coral Zhang
Insight Report

What's Inside

When brands collaborate with each other to launch new projects and products—known as brand mashups—synergies are created that effectively leverage the unique strengths of each brand. This is an effective means to drive shopper excitement.

We present recent mashups—some of which are unlikely partnerships—that are generating consumer interest during the coronavirus crisis. These examples demonstrate how brands can implement the following strategies through mashups:

  • Creating social media buzz
  • Elevating brand status
  • Targeting alternative consumers
  • Accessing a gaming fan base

For more examples of brand mashups, read our Insights from China report from September 2019, which highlights the major collaborations seen last year in China, including Skechers x Snickers and Lux x Sprite.

Click here to view Coresight Research’s ongoing coverage of the coronavirus outbreak.

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