Insight Report 10 minutes PremiumAmericans with Disabilities Act Celebrates 30 Years—Opportunities Still Exist for Inclusion, Education and Adaptive Apparel Coresight Research August 6, 2020 What's InsideFollowing the 30-year anniversary of the ADA, we look at how inclusion for people with disabilities is being realized in the US and the role that adaptive apparel can play in facilitating this. We explore four key insights into the opportunities for inclusion, education and adaptive apparel: Empowered Cities works toward financial empowerment for people with disabilities—We discuss the organization’s efforts and summarize the disability communities of selected US cities. Covid-19 puts a spotlight on industry needs; adaptive apparel companies expand their missions to serve the community—Highlights include solutions from Care+Wear and IZ Adaptive. We see an opportunity for brands and retailers to enter the adaptive apparel and footwear market and develop innovations to serve the community. Three ways in which organizations can best help the disability community, according to Empwered Cities. This report is a precursor to Coresight Research’s upcoming deep dive into adaptive apparel, in which we will estimate the potential size of the US market and take a close look at the adaptive apparel and footwear brands and retailers that are leading the way, as well as selected organizations that are offering services for the disability community. Already a subscriber? Log in You are currently viewing a preview of this report. Please select an access option to view the full report. Hide Options - Show Options + Get unlimited access to all our research with one of our subscription plans. View Subscription Plans or Contact us to purchase this report. Contact us ✕ This document was generated for Other research you may be interested in: January and February 2023 China Retail Sales: Total Sales Pick Up as Most Sectors Report Positive GrowthKey Festivals and Holidays for Promotional Campaigns in India in 2024: CalendarWeinswig’s Weekly: It’s the Season for… Looking Ahead to Retail OpportunitiesRetail 2025: 10 Trends Shaping the Retail Media Market