What's Inside
Worldwide, Aldi and Lidl are pressuring nondiscount grocery rivals as they gain market share in food retail. We discuss global developments and growth metrics, with a focus on the US, the UK and China—and we consider what recent developments mean.
- We look at store expansion by the grocery discounters, including the pace of growth in the US and expansion in the UK and China.
- We discuss recent developments in e-commerce as Aldi and Lidl continue to move tentatively into online retail.
- We review the hard discounters’ growth metrics, including consumer-survey data and estimated sales figures for Aldi in the US, and market-share data and sales-growth data for Aldi and Lidl in the UK.
- We feature images and observations from our visits to new store formats in London and Shanghai.
- We include detailed, global timelines of key events at Aldi and Lidl.
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