10 minutes

30 Global Retail Cities: Detroit

Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Primary Analyst: Coresight Research
Other Contributors:
Marie Driscoll, CFA, Managing Director of Beauty and Luxury
Insight Report

Executive Summary

With this series, 30 Global Retail Cities, we profile the world’s major shopping cities—from fashion capitals such as Milan to shopping hubs such as Honolulu. We curated the top retail stores in each city, along with must-see shopping districts, major retail events innovative store formats.


  • Detroit became the first US city to be named a UNESCO “City of Design” in 2015.
  • The annual Eastern Market After Dark event allows local Detroit designers and entrepreneurs to showcase their creations and ideas during the city’s month of design.
  • Located on Canfield Street, Shinola is a Detroit-based luxury retailer that sells handcrafted watches, bicycles, leather goods and jewelry. The store has an in-house café and florist.
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