Event Presentation Premium

How To Enhance the Customer Experience with Next-Generation Product Information Management and AI

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What's Inside

On February 9, 2023, Coresight Research hosted a webinar with Digital Wave Technology to explore the importance of effective product information management (PIM) and product experience management (PXM) in enhancing the customer experience.

Deborah Weinswig, CEO and Founder of Coresight Research, and Lori Schafer, CEO of Digital Wave Technology, offered key insights on the following:

  • Why is PIM/PXM a must-have in today’s modern retail landscape?
  • How does a modern AI platform help accelerate speed to market, leveraging tools, automation and smarts to do the heavy lifting?
  • How does layering on artificial intelligence (AI) optimize and elevate product experiences to a whole new level for customers?

Don’t miss out! Read our full presentation below, and click here to watch the webinar replay!

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