Showing 102 posts

Video: Cryptocurrencies, Retail and the Metaverse

Tej Kamaraju, Analyst at Coresight Research, talks about our new research on cryptocurrencies and retail. In this short video, we cover the potential benefits to retailers of cryptocurrency adoption, how cryptocurrencies are a key component of the metaverse and the recent volatile trends in crypto.

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Video: Market Outlook—Global Luxury

Coresight Research senior analyst Swarooprani Muralidhar talks about our new research on the global luxury goods market. In this short video, we cover the luxury market’s trajectory, the impact of recent major macro factors, digitalization and the growing importance of China’s luxury consumers.

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Are NFTs a Game Changer in Retail Supply Chains?

Although the metaverse is expanding exponentially, with non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and blockchain technology making further inroads into retail, the application NFT technology within retail supply chains is still nascent. We discuss how NFTs can improve supply chain traceability, enhance authentication and boost security.

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Building Blocks of the Metaverse: 5G

As part of our Building Blocks of the Metaverse series, we discuss the background and technological structure of 5G wireless connectivity, explore its relationship with the metaverse and present key things that brands and retailers should know about 5G.

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