Groceryshop 2022 VIP Executive Dinner: The Secret to Unlocking a Sustainable Retail Future

Wednesday | Sep 21, 2022 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm PT Carbone, ARIA Resort & Casino, 3730 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89158 Register


In this exclusive executive dinner at Carbone, we will deep dive into the secret to unlocking a sustainable retail future through customer engagement, smart blockchain deployment, and a profitable sustainability framework. This closed-door discussion will bring together industry leaders to explore:
  • The benefits reaped by brands and retailers when they involve consumers in sustainability decisions, particularly surrounding consumer trust and loyalty
  • How blockchain technology can help brands and retailers adopt or improve sustainability practices
  • A framework that can guide retailers in promoting sustainability while making a positive impact on their bottom line
This event is in partnership with IBM and is by invitation only. Please email your name and email information to Mara Dosso to be added to the attendee list (space limitations apply). You will receive a confirmation invite if your request can be accepted.


Deborah Weinswig

CEO & Founder

Coresight Research

Marie Driscoll

Managing Director & Senior Analyst

Coresight Research
