Showing 27 posts

Insights Video: Key Themes from Groceryshop 2023

In this Insights Video, we present highlights from our coverage of Groceryshop 2023, across themes including unified shopping experiences, future-proofing and new growth opportunities. Coresight Research is a research partner of Groceryshop 2023.

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Insights Video: US Retail and Consumer Outlook

In this Insights Video, we discuss the US retail and consumer outlook. We consider whether real declines in retail sales will continue, whether US retail is overinflated, why we may be entering an era of renewed services spending—and why the consumer economy resembles a game of chutes and ladders.

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Video: Think Tank—Social Commerce

Bao Arakov, Analyst at Coresight Research, talks about our new research on social commerce. In this short video, we cover who is using social media for shopping, what they are looking for and the impact of influencers.

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Video: Cryptocurrencies, Retail and the Metaverse

Tej Kamaraju, Analyst at Coresight Research, talks about our new research on cryptocurrencies and retail. In this short video, we cover the potential benefits to retailers of cryptocurrency adoption, how cryptocurrencies are a key component of the metaverse and the recent volatile trends in crypto.

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Shoptalk and World Retail Congress 2022 Insights—Video

Coresight Research analysts John Harmon, Marie Driscoll and Richard Marooney discuss their takeaways from the Shoptalk 2022 conference (held in Las Vegas in late-March) and World Retail Congress 2022 (held in Rome in April). Subjects covered in this 30-minute discussion range from the macroeconomic context and supply chains to new retail channels and technologies.

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Coresight Connect​: 2021 Global Retail Predictions

On December 16, 2020, Coresight Research hosted a Coresight Connect webinar to introduce our global retail trend predictions for 2021. In this presentation, we explore the prospects for high-growth retail channels, the coming shifts in logistics, new retail models and brick-and-mortar retail, emerging category opportunities and the multiyear consumer shifts underlying expected developments in 2021.

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Amazon Databank: New from Coresight Research

Our new Amazon Databank brings together a range of proprietary data on Amazon, with a focus on its US operations. Metrics include Prime membership rates; what US shoppers buy on, including comparisons to retail rivals in apparel and grocery; Amazon’s gross merchandise volume (GMV); and details of its product offerings in clothing and private label.

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