How Retailers Are Leveraging CaaS to Grow Fast

How Retailers are Leveraging CaaS to Grow Fast
Thursday | Apr 14, 2022 - Thursday | Apr 14, 2022 11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST Register


Mid-sized retailers are using AI to future-proof their operations. Can your company?

Mid-size retailers need to optimize their e-commerce strategies in order to properly compete with retail giants in the digital channel. While giants such as Amazon have historically built their own infrastructure and operations, today’s mid-size retailers may not have the relative time or resources to similarly invest. Adding to that, any diversion of resources or attention from their core operations could pull away from business growth.

In this webinar, we discuss external versus internal capabilities for e-commerce functions at mid-size retailers and the challenges that mid-size retailers face in their current operating model. We consider how a CaaS-based operating model can address companies’ pain points and support the scaling of e-commerce businesses.

3 important take aways you’ll understand after this webinar:

  • Retailers are having challenges regarding technical resources, scaling easily/cost-effectively and not having advanced technology.
  • Retailers are placing high priority and looking for relevant features regarding technical expertise, ease of scale and also advanced technologies.
  • CaaS offers retailers a viable solution through availability of managed services, advanced technologies, and ease to scale.

Click here to watch the webinar replay!


Deborah Weinswig

Founder & CEO

Coresight Research

Jan-Christopher Nugent

Co-Founder & CEO
